UPGRADE Numismatist’s Professional Opinion to Complete Numismatic Report


Upgrade the appraisal of your coin’s value, to include grade (including any possible problems), a full explanation of coin type including mintage, any discernible varieties or mint errors, all in 4 business days.

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If you’ve already gotten a Numismatist’s Professional Opinion for a coin, upgrade to a Complete Numismatic Report all about that coin from a third-party Professional Numismatists at the Academy of Coins.

Send us your NPO Number (at the top of your NPO), and we produce for you:

  • an appraisal of your coin’s value,
  • grade (including any problems),
  • the full explanation of type including mintage figures,
  • any discernible varieties or mint errors,

all in 7 days (5 business days).

We do not buy your coins.
We do not sell your coins.
We’re only interested in helping people learn about their coins.

Send us $10 ($15 for expedited service) and 4+ pictures (here are our suggestions for better photography to ensure quick and accurate service) of a coin and we’ll respond with a complete numismatic report with details about your coin.

Compare PriceThatCoin.com to other numismatic coin third-party grading and certification services.

Additional information


Standard Service – 4 Days, Expedited Service – 48 Hours